Next thing we know, Halloween will be over than Christmas will be here!
We often used to joke about how amazingly fast time was passing by, but now the weeks just go by so quick!
July was a bit busy for me, with job change, road trip and few other things. Therefore the reason you all are now just seeing this post! This past 4th of July we decided to take a road trip!
Austin is my favorite place to go in Texas. I just love the vibe from the city and how kid friendly it is. Austin is also officially marked off my
Being a single mother has been a blessing for me, and no I am not lying.
Although sometimes it can be overwhelming I find it as a blessing.
You may be asking why is it a blessing but yet I find it overwhelming, well that reason it’s because since I am the main source of income, I always have to be working.
I kind of sucked it up for the past six years, but there are times, where I wish I had a bit more time to spend with my cheeseball.
For instance being able to take my vacation, during the summer time so we can take a 5 day vacay somewhere, being able to let her sleep more during summer time and not wake her up at 6 am.
Cada día se hace más corto, y cada día se vive muchísimo mas ajetreado.
Una de las cosas que me gustaría cambiar es aprender a vivir menos apresurada, usualmente pasa porque siempre dejo todo a último momento y luego ahí ando toda carrereada queriendo acabar todo junto.
¿A caso soy la única que vive su vida así?
¡Espero que no!
Si no, la verdad ¡necesito ayuda para cambiar ese mal hábito que tengo!
Con los niños en vacaciones, trabajo y una que otra cosa que a veces uno tiene que hacer (como tomarse una siesta je je)
Hay algo en lo que quisiera enfocarme un poquito más: Esto se trata de pasar más tiempo productivo con mi hija.
Last month (April) I was able to make a quick trip to the lovely #California as you all know, my heart kind of belongs there. Although this was a short trip, I decided to make it a lifetime memory for my cheese-ball and my self of course.
Since our birthday was April 24th (yes my daughter was born on my birfffday, she stole my birffday) I really did not have anything planned. I know, I am really bad at making plans for birfffdays and celebrations. Read more