Photo Credit: Robson Muzel
Tell me if Ana Flores and the We All Grow Latina Network don’t freaking ROCK??!!!
They always, always exceed all expectations!
Lately, I have been all about the feel of being in the right place at the right time.
This past month I was able to attend the second #WeAllGrowFamilia Event at Munchkin headquarters.
This year I had a special guest to go with me.
My daughter was able to attend the event with me since we had a last-minute baby sitter hiccup.
I was a little skeptical and afraid she was not going to enjoy the event or ask me to leave every hour.
Luckily, that was not the case; she enjoyed and kept on asking questions about people in there.
She was very curious as to what everyone was doing there and what they did.

Photo Credit: Robson Muzel
Once again, we all grow Latina network did not disappoint us at all.
They put a fantastic event for us to enjoy, learn, and connect with influencers in the parenting community.
This event always is much more intimate than the regular we all grow summit event.
I love that it feels that way and that it is more intimate.
In this post, I have a quick recap of the event and my favorite part about the event!
The Location
The event was held once again at Munchkin Inc in Van Nuys Ca. This place is filled with unique art all over, from the moment you enter, throughout the patio, and work area.
Once again, like last year, CEO Steven Dunn welcomed us at his casa and also offered tours of the fantastic Munchkin headquarters.
Photo Credit: Robson Muzel
Photo Credit: Robson Muzel
The Sessions
The learning sessions at this event are pretty cool, all in one place, and at the same time.
You are not pulled into different directions trying to decide which session to attend.
This is the one thing I love about the #WeAllGrowFamilia Event.
Events like #WeAllGrowFamilia are events that are even going to inspire you or leave in a funk because you might feel like you may not be doing things right, or on top like other influencers, you meet at these type of events.
The key is not to overwhelm yourself, soak in as much as you can, and try to apply it little by little.
Photo Credit: Robson Muzel
Sessions offered at events like these, are super eye-opening but can also be overwhelming.
You will be filled with new ideas and new things you can work on and focus on.
Let me take you back to my sentence where I mentioned I was at the right place at the same time. I say this because there was a session named: The Path to Mompreneurship Success presented by Laura Fuentes founder of Momables
She shared her story about before she got started into the business.
What captivated my heart during her session was how detailed she was sharing how she began, her real-life story before how she got started, and who she is besides Momables.
What sparked her drive to be successful.
She shared a story about when she came to the United States and how she pushed her self to learn English, and always want more for her self. She said she didn’t want to be in ESL classes forever.
She wanted to move up, and she persevered and worked hard to achieve and now look at her and her success.
I was particularly touched by this story as a dreamer myself self. I went through the same process once I arrived in the United States.
I was placed in ESL classes, of course, they are helpful at the beginning, but you also never want to stay there forever.
I wanted more; I wanted to push for myself and be better.
Learn the language quicker.
Of course, I still don’t quite know it perfectly, but hey, at least I can understand.
Where am I going with this, you may be asking yourself, well, this was my push to remind my self that although I am always filled with doubt, and I continually give up.
I have to stop and think about what I have done to move forward and keep ongoing.
Envision what I want and how to get there.
Laura said everything I needed to hear at this moment in my life.
She stated things like, “The path to success is not something you can buy.”
It does not have a goal, goals are great, but they are just steps to fill in a vision.
She invited us to share our visions because when you share your vision, the more real it becomes.
I can honestly go on and on about her session, but I have linked it here where you can fully see it!

For @babyboybakery session, all I’m going to say is THANK YOU!!!
This year was no different; we were pampered with amazing sponsors.
They all ensured we learned more about the products and what they offer.

The Food
When it comes to the food and snacks, We all grow is always a pro at Wowing us with fantastic food!
Please tell me I was not the only one patiently waiting for those Snack breaks??!!
This time was no different.
Just look at the fantastic food out tummies were able to enjoy!!

The most requested booth at the event, NON-STOP from the beginning!
Once again, a great #WeAllGrowFamilia Event.
What is one thing you’re taking from the sessions?
Leave me a comment below!